
Is It Safe For Baby To Sleep Skin To Skin

Newborn and Mom Co-Sleeping Study Stirs Controversy

mom and baby co-sleeping
(Image credit: Sebastian Czapnik | Dreamstime)

The question of whether newborns should sleep alone or with their mothers — where skin-to-skin contact can exist maintained — continues to raise controversy, with a small new Southward African written report contradicting American guidelines that recommend against co-sleeping, because of its link to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Scientists from the University of Greatcoat Town found that separating new babies from their mothers proved physiologically stressful for infants, causing significantly more "anxious arousal" and less "tranquility sleep."

The researchers measured centre rate variability in sixteen 2-day-one-time sleeping babies for i hour, during both pare-to-skin contact with their mothers — where they were placed decumbent on their mother'due south bare breast — and alone in a cot next to their mother's bed. Heart rate variability measures how irregular the intervals betwixt heartbeats are, and is considered an effective, not-invasive style to measure stress levels.

"What is desirable for newborns is to have 'sleep cycling,' which means an even distribution between active sleep and tranquillity slumber, in periods of about one hr," said Dr. Nils Bergman, a co-author of the written report. "In our study, sleep cycling in separated babies was mostly absent, and in half dozen of xvi babies that did testify some serenity sleep when separated, it was shorter and shallower."

Built-in to snuggle with mom?

Bergman said that while pare-to-skin contact may be viewed as a novel intervention, "information technology is actually the only possible place for whatever newborn from an evolutionary biology perspective . . . and maternal (newborn) separation should exist avoided."

But maintaining such close contact with infants, in "co-sleeping" arrangements with parents, can result in adventitious suffocation and is strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The AAP re-stated its opposition to the practice terminal month, in updated recommendations on Sudden Infant Death S risks. SIDS was the third leading cause of infant deaths in 2007 (the last year for which statistics are bachelor), claiming more than 2,400 infants.

Risks and benefits

Dr. Rachel Moon, who authored the AAP's policy statement on SIDS and condom slumber, said skin-to-skin contact is not a problem in itself. "People say skin-to-pare is wonderful, and it can exist . . . but it needs to exist balanced," she said. "You demand to be enlightened there are potential hazards, and know what the signs are if your babe is getting into trouble."

Moon said that mothers who want to practice peel-to-skin contact subsequently birth should ask nurses to help monitor the babies while they do it, and be extremely mindful of not obstructing the infant's airway — a constant danger when sleeping next to an infant.

Moreover, the new study assumes that more "quiet sleep" for brand-new babies is benign, but that may not be true, said Moon, who is a pediatrician at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

"Certainly, babies need to be able to slumber, but they also need to exist able to wake up if they need to," such as if they're having problems getting plenty oxygen, she said.

Bergman noted that several major health organizations, such as the World Health System and United Nations Children's Fund, support skin-to-skin contact for newborns. But using proper techniques is "vitally important," he said.

"Teaching should focus on ensuring co-sleeping is done safely," Bergman said. "Attempting to ban it is counterproductive. Parents whose infants are assertive plenty to insist on this biological birthright, then do not know how to practise it safely, are thus endangered."

The study was published in the Nov consequence of the periodical Biological Psychiatry.

This story was provided by MyHealthNewsDaily, a sis site to LiveScience. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find u.s.a. on Facebook.


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